Tuesday, May 5, 2009

First Time is a Charm

So here I am... I did it. I finally broke down and started a blog. It's something I've been meaning to do for quite some time. Now seemed as good a time as any. I have decided to create this blog as a means for posting Braden's progress and developmental milestones, as well as give me a place to come to where I can vent all my frustrations and worries.

Living so far away from family, with - let's face it - zero good friends on the islandof Oahu makes for a lonely and trying time. Don't get me wrong, I love having my husband home with me every night and I absolutely love that, being on shore duty, he no longer has to go out to sea for months at a time. However, it's just not the same as when we lived in Washington and I had girlfriends to go and do things with. I also had a job that I loved and was exceptionally good at. My current job as a Stay-At-Home-Mom IS something that I love, although I can't help but feel like it's not something I'm good at.

My husband and I are the very proud parents of a 30 weeker baby. Our son, Braden was born on December 13, 2008 at 2 pounds 11 ounces and was only 15 inches long. He had a very rough start to this life, with a 2 month stay in the NICU - undergoing: jaundice light therapy, bradycardia, apnea, acid reflux treatments , blood transfusions, anemia treatments, and a milk intolerance. I count my lucky stars that things didn't progress to the point of needing surgeries. However, his rough start has lead us down an even rockier road. Currently, he's 4 months and 2 weeks old. However, when referring to premature infants, doctors will typically judge developmental milestones, gross motor skills, and weight gain based on a preemie's "corrected gestational age" - or the age at which a preemie should be assuming he/she was born on his/her initial due date. Braden's corrected gestational age is only 2 1/2 months. Because of this, he only weighs what a 2 1/2 month old weighs and his skills are only at a 2 1/2 month old's level as well.

The thing about parenting that NOBODY ever tells you is that it's H-A-R-D!! And I'm not trying to brag, or toot my own horn here, but I honestly think that parenting a preemie baby is about a million times harder! It's so difficult to try and figure out what's "normal". Even my pediatrician admitted to me how difficult it is to try and diagnose issues with a premature baby. They don't develop at the same rate and they often don't react the same way that other full term babies do.

Of course, my personality is such that I have a hard time dealing with major stress. I've never been the type of person to just let things roll of my back. I'm a "worrier"! I always have been and I always will be! Now, combine that with first-time parenthood and you've got disaster written all over it. Add to that a premature baby and, well, then you've got ME - frazzled, stressed, worried sick, and freaking out over "every little thing". But to me, nothing seems like a "little thing" when it comes to the health and well-being of my son. Right now, I'm trying to just take things a day at a time and go with the flow the best that I can! What else is there to do?!

1 comment:

  1. I don't know the stress of a preemie baby, but I do understand the stress of parenthood all too well. The stakes are higher with parenting than anything else that you do! Babies are by very nature, high maintenance. So many challenges and so many joys! Hang in there. One thing I wish I would have listened to back when I had my first baby . . .RELAX and ENJOY!!! I had plenty of people tell me to relax . . . but I didn't listen. I was worried all the time and antsy about everything. I eased up with my 2nd, eased up even more with my 3rd . . . and now with my 4th I am so relaxed!!! (and I am enjoying it! :) )
    You can do it!! Enjoy your sweet boy!
